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Chinese Dragon Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Will it hurt?

This is a common concern for people when they first consider seeing an acupuncturist. Acupuncture needles are much finer than the needles that the majority of people are familiar with; for example when having an injection or giving blood.

Most people will not even feel the needles being inserted and are only aware of them because of a slight dull ache or tingling at the point of insertion. These feelings are an indication of the flow of Qi through this area and are perfectly normal. In the clinic I am often working with patients with painful conditions, the acupuncture is therefore used to relieve pain, not induce it!

During treatment I will always ask patients how they feel. The procedure should not be painful or uncomfortable, this is not a “no pain, no gain” type of treatment. My patients often tell me how relaxed they feel after their treatment and very often will go to sleep whilst lying on the couch with their needles still in. I sometimes have to wake them up after the therapy session.

What happens in a consultation?

The first consultation will last for an hour during which time a full case history will be taken. This could include questions about the type of weather that affects your symptoms or the time of day when they are worse, as well as general health enquires. Some questions may be about organs of the body, which are not directly connected to your symptoms. The Chinese see a connection between all the major systems so it is important that I ask many different questions. Also, during the consultation I may feel your pulse and look at your tongue examined. The tongue and pulse are important in Chinese medicine and give clues to your general health and well being.

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