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About Acupuncture

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture Chinese doctors use a different medical model from the one that we are used to in the West. Instead of seeing cells, genes and molecules, Chinese doctors are interested in the energy flow of the body. This energy, called Qi (pronounced chee) connects all the organs of the body. Blockages in this energy flow will result in the diseases that we are familiar with today. These may be physical, or emotional. Fine needles are used to restore the flow of energy and hence restore good health. Acupuncture does not rely on any external medicines or additional supplements, there is nothing added to the needles, therefore it can be used in conjunction with any medication or therapy a patient may already be engaged in.

Why should I see an acupuncturist?

Every patient has their own reasons for wanting to try acupuncture. These range from an inability to find relief from their symptoms using current medical procedures or concerns about side effects of mainstream drugs. Also, many patients simply wish to try a different and more holistic approach to health and well being.

What can acupuncture treat?

I see a wide range of conditions in clinic, varying from acute problems such as painful backs to more chronic conditions.

The patients that I see on a regular basis fall into three main categories: Pain management, anxiety, stress and low mood, and fertility/IVF issues.

Pain Management.
The majority use acupuncture for pain management. Recent research has shown that acupuncture can be effective in the treatment of arthritis and lower back pain. In fact NICE (National Institute for health and Clinical Excellence) which is the government body that advises the NHS, has recommended acupuncture as the most affective treatment available for treating chronic lower back pain.

In addition acupuncture can also be helpful for other muscular skeletal conditions. Many patients that I see report an improvement in their symptoms and reduction in pain.

Anxiety, Stress and Low Mood
Acupuncture has a calming effect on both the mind and the body and my patients tell me that they feel a greater sense of well being after acupuncture treatment.

Fertility and IVF
The final group of patients are women who want to use acupuncture to help with issues of fertility and in pregnancy. Acupuncture can also be used safely along side IVF treatment and research has shown that the chances of a positive outcome can be greatly enhanced. Acupuncture is often used during pregnancy for the treatment of morning sickness and induction of labour.

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